Search in the surname database

The database gathers over 100.000 names of customs agents from offices and brigades of all France, from 18th to 20th century.

The books kept at the Museum are scanned since 1984. Thanks to the help of genealogists, the Documentation Center develops its name databaseto answer requests. The database is not comprehensive. It remains incomplete as all records are not meant to be stored at the museum, and all archives are not yet scanned.

You may also find this type of document in local Archive Services.

Search in the database :

Please enter the name you’re looking for.

In case of a match

Please send an email to to ask for a photograph of your document, the price is 5 € per photo, specifying the references of your request (name of the agent, number).

You may pay by transfer or by cheque payable to “Musée national des douanes”.

If the documents status allows, you may also come in person to take your own picture of the document or anybody you know.
It this case, consultations are available for free by appointment on 09 702 75 671. For conservation reasons, no photocpies are delivered.

If there is no match

The collection is still being scanned, so even if your research hasn’t brought any match, do not hesitate to consult later as some new elements may be found.